Selling your device easier than ever

Take our small survey and get fair value for your device

Exchange iphoneHand with money

Just 3 simple steps

Swaptecs is designed to exchange your old device for money as easy as possible

  • Get a quote for your device
    Get a quote

    Select the phone you want to sell and get a quick quote based on your device specifications

  • Ship the device easily
    Ship the device

    We can provide you with shipping labels and materials. Just pack up your device and ship

  • Get paid fast with Swaptecs
    Get paid fast

    As soon as your device arrives, we begin processing the order so you can get paid quickly

Don’t think how to sell your old phone

  • Try our simple process of buying phones

    Swaptecs can do things other marketplaces can't. Try our simple process of buying phones

Don’t think how to sell your old phone

Make money easily on your old device

  • Make money easily on your old device

    Need funds for someting or just tired of your old phone? Swap your device into money

Swap your device into money

Just fill our form out and follow the instructions

  • Get a free and quick quote

    Get a free and
    quick quote

  • Reset your phone

    Reset your

  • Ship us your device

    Ship us your

  • Get transfer via PayPale

    Get transfer
    via PayPal

Just fill our form out and follow the instructions

Choose an iPhone

Pick the device you want to sell

iPhone 12 Pro Max

iPhone 12 Pro Max

Get up to $940

iPhone 12 Pro

iPhone 12 Pro

Get up to $870

Iphone 12

Iphone 12

Get up to $800

iPhone 12 mini

iPhone 12 mini

Get up to $770

Frequently asked

  • What is Swaptecs all about?
    Close What is Swaptecs all about?
  • Why should I trust Swaptecs?
    Close Why should I trust Swaptecs?
  • How does Swaptecs work?
    Close How does Swaptecs work?
  • Can I sell in bulk with Swaptecs?
    Close Can I sell in bulk with Swaptecs?
  • How is the "Swaptecs Value" offer calculated?
    Close How is the "Swaptecs Value" offer calculated?

Sell your phone easier than ever